Find a dog

App for startup finding the lost dogs
A client came to us with a problem: his dog’s best friend had lost a dog and for a long time he could not find it. This led him to the idea of creating an application for finding lost dogs.
The first question that we ask all of our clients concerns the monetization and the overall economic component of the project. How will he survive, gain customer base and bring profit to the client? As possible options for monetization, we proposed a partnership with services used by dog owners.
What is now?
In order to better understand the tasks and problems of our users, we decided to find out how this problem is being solved now. That’s how:
— Advertisements in social networks with a request for a repost
— Ads with photo in veterinary clinics
— Ads with a photo on pillars in the vicinity of the “Lost Dog”
Searching the prototypes
Of course, our customers are far from the first who had the idea to look for lost dogs using a mobile application. There were no such applications in Russia, but we found one Israeli application in Russian and another one made in New Zealand in partnership with the Pedigree brand.
Design of the app
To indicate the missing dogs, we decided to use the red color, and for the found dogs a bluish shade of green. These colors themselves are quite active and it was extremely undesirable to use any bright colors in the gamut. It was decided to take blue-green as the primary and pale yellow (vanilla) as an auxiliary.
UI / UX design
Lost and found dogs can be seen both on the map and as a list with sorting as you move away from the user. On the card you can see a smaller version of the card with the dog and go from it to the full card.
States of the app
To indicate the missing dogs, we decided to use the red color, and for the found dogs a bluish shade of green. These colors themselves are quite active and it was extremely undesirable to use any bright colors in the gamut. It was decided to take blue-green as the primary and pale yellow (vanilla) as an auxiliary.
Lost and found
The first logical option was to choose one of these paths right on the start screen. However, in the design process we came to a more versatile and capacious interface solution: filter dogs on the basis of “found” / “lost”. We also separately took out the filter “my dogs” for those who actively helps to find lost dogs.
The total development time of the first sprint was only 5 weeks.
Silver on Tagline
The result of our work are two mobile applications and a server part. You can download mobile apps in Appstore and Google Play, as well as view them as an interactive prototype right on our website. The application received a silver medal on the most significant in Russia rating of mobile applications “Tagline”.
Our task was to develop applications from the very beginning:
- Detail ideas
- Preparation of technical specifications
- Design concept
- Mobile app design based on concept
- Interactive Prototype
- IOS mobile app programming
- Android mobile app programming
- Programming of the server part, which allows to accumulate and synchronize data from different users.
- Client consultation on registration of corporate accounts in the Appstore and Google Play
- Publish ready-made applications in the Appstore and Google Play
Estimate the Cost of Your App?
Leave a request and get the estimates within two working hours.
Included in the Price:
- UI-design of the mobile app;
- Mobile app development for iOS platform;
- Mobile app development for Android platform;
- Backend development (server-side app & API);
- QA (testing);
- System architecture and project management.